
Saturday, June 23, 2012

50 Ways to Use Baking Soda

50 Ways to Use Baking Soda

photo from Flickr user RowdyKittens
Hey, Blisstree Reader! Like this post? Then check this out: Eco-Friendly Miracle Product: 23 Ways to Use Vinegar.
We know chemicals are bad, but we’re surrounded by them and use them in our houses and on our bodies all the time. So we jump on any natural cleaning methods and beauty products we hear about. Our latest chemical-free object of desire? A new box of baking soda. Its neutralizing power works on a ton of household messes, ranging from personal hygiene to the disaster on the walls of your microwave. Baking soda’s going to be your BFF after you read this post; your white vinegar may even get jealous.
Check out this list of uses, from Care2:
1. Toothpaste: Make a paste from baking soda and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
2. Mouthwash: Put a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, swish, spit, and rinse. Odors will be neutralized rather than just masked.
3. Soak that retainer: We know you have a retainer. Soak it in a solution of two teaspoons baking soda dissolved in warm water to clean and deodorize it.
4. Exfoliate: Make a paste of three parts baking soda and one part water, and rub in a gentle circular motion to exfoliate.
5. Deodorize yourself: Pat baking soda on your armpits to neutralize body odor.
6. Relieve heartburn: You can use baking soda to fix heartburn or indigestion. Check the back of the box for more info.
7. Stop itching: Make a water and baking soda paste and put it on your bug bites or rashes.
8. Instead of hand soap: Don’t dry out your hands with harsh soaps – use three parts baking soda and one part water to clean your hands.
9. Mix it with shampoo: Put a little baking soda in your palm with your shampoo. It’ll eliminate residue left by products.
10. Clean brushes: Eliminate oil build-up and residue on your brushes and clothes by soaking them in one teaspoon of baking soda in warm water.
11. Bathe in it: Put 1/2 cup of baking soda in your next bath to neutralize acid on your skin as well as make your skin softer.
12. Rest your feet: Put three tablespoons of baking soda in a tub of warm water, sit back, relax, and soak.
13. Scrub your counter: Powdered cleaners are usually full of harsh chemicals. Sprinkle baking soda on counters, tiles, and sinks to remove grime.
14. Cut grease: Dump two big tablespoons of baking soda into your dish water with your soap to cut grease on pots and pans.
15. Save your sponge: Everyone hates a moldy sponge. Soak them in a four tablespoons of baking soda to one quart of water mix.
16. Clean your microwave: Get last week’s leftovers off the inside of your microwave with baking soda on a clean damp sponge.
17. Polish silver: Rub a mixture of three parts baking soda to one part water on silver to shine it.
18. Clean tea pots: Wash coffee and tea mugs and pots with a solution of 1/4 cup baking soda in a quart of warm water to eliminate stains and bitter tastes.
19. Tackle the oven: Sprinkle baking soda onto the bottom of the oven. Spray with water, and let it sit overnight. The next day scrub the gunk off with a sponge (or chisel, depending on how dirty your oven is) and rinse.
20. Clean the floor: Use 1/2 cup baking soda in a bucket of warm water when mopping.
21. Buff the furniture: Get marks off walls and painted furniture by putting baking soda on a sponge.
22. Revitalize shower curtains: Put some baking soda on a sponge and rub clean.
23. Vamp up the laundry: Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your next load of laundry – it’ll make your detergent work harder.
24. Gently launder: Clean baby clothes by adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle.
25. Clean green diapers: Soak reusable diapers in 1/2 cup baking soda and two quarts of water.
26. De-stink sports stuff: Tackle the locker room with a baking soda solution to clean and deodorize sports equipment.
27. Cut oil: Make your drivable presentable by sprinkle baking soda onto your grease spot then scrubbing it with a wet brush.
28. Clean the car: Use a baking soda solution with 1/4 cup baking soda in a quart of warm water, and clean car lights, windows, chrome, seats, and car mats.
29. In the fridge: You definitely know this one. Stick an open box in the back of the fridge to keep it smelling neutral.
30. Cut-it-out: Sprinkle baking soda on your cutting board, then scrub and rinse to get rid of onion, fish and garlic smells.
31. Don’t be trashy: Sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of your trash cans to fight the stench.
32. Recycle fresher: Sprinkle baking soda on top of your recycling bin every once in a while.
33. Deodorize drains: Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain while running warm water.
34. Dishwasher odors: Add to your dishwashing soap to cleanse gently and deodorize.
35. Garbage disposal: Pour baking soda down the drain while running warm water with your garbage disposal on to de-stink it.
36. Lunchtime: Keep a little box of baking soda in lunch boxes in between uses to ward off smelly odors.
37. Sprinkle on carpets: After dusting the carpet with baking soda, let it sit overnight, then vacuum to get rid of odors.
38. Freshen vacuums: Talk about killing two smells with one soda. Baking soda in your vacuum will deodorize it.
39. Keep closets fresh: Put a box of baking soda in your closet to fight smells.
40. Deodorize cars: Sprinkle baking soda on the upholstery of your car seats, then let it sit and vacuum it up.
41. Cat box smells: Put some baking soda on the bottom of the litter box before you pour in the litter.
42. Clean the dog’s house: Sprinkle baking soda in your pet’s bedding and then vacuum it up.
43. Sneaker Stink: Your stinkers probably smell bad. Sprinkle some soda in them between uses, then dump it out before you wear them.
44. Clean the sheets: Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your rinse cycle when washing your sheets and towels.
45. Soda vs. Sweat: Also add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle when you’re washing your fragrant gym clothes.
46. Cuddly freshness: Sprinkle baking soda on your kids’ favorite stuffed animals and let it sit for 15 minutes before you brush it off.
47. Camp tools: Bring baking soda on your next camping trip to clean pots, pans, your hands, and to use as toothpaste.
48. Put out fires: If you have a fire on your grill (we’re talking small), turn off the gas and throw several handfulls of baking soda on the flames. Also, call 911 if necessary.
49. Clean the septic system: Dump a cup of baking soda down the drains every week to keep the septic system flowing.
50. Clean vegetables: Sprinkle soda on a sponge to clean off fruits and vegetables before cooking or eating

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