
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bay Leaf "Tea" Remedy for Ants

Bay Leaf "Tea" Remedy for Ants

From Susan

Bay leaf has been used as a natural insecticide. It has been used to keep out the little bug that show up in staples (flour, rice, cereal, boxed mixes, etc.).

Take a large stock pot or canning kettle, add about 2 to 3 tablespoons of salt, and a handful of bay leaves. (NOTE: buy them at a food co-op or look online because you can get them cheaper than in a grocery store.) Bring to a rolling boil and let simmer for several hours. The longer it simmers the more potent the tea.

Take the hot "tea" to the ant colony. Coat the colony. Use the "tea" to "draw" a line of demarcation around their colony; around your house, etc. Repeat a couple of weeks later, just to be sure. One treatment may do it. If you use it on your garden plants, DON'T put boiling water on them; go for the ant nests or the ground; let the mix cool somewhat so it doesn't hurt the roots. REMEMBER: peonies need ants to bloom.

Cooking it creates a very strong smell - not bad when you consider that it's only affecting the insects. The vapor and steam will take care of any creatures that may be in your house.

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