
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How do i organize all these coupons?????

Clipping coupons is a great way to turn a few minutes of free time on Sunday into a week's worth of savings. Coupons can be found anywhere from the Sunday paper to the weekly ads that you probably find cluttering up your mailbox. If you keep your eyes open, you can also find coupons printed on store receipts or attached to ads in magazines. Keeping track of all these coupons is the key to maximizing your savings.

  1. Keep them Together

    • Masses of neatly clipped coupons are useless if they're scattered throughout the house. Even if you don't have time to organize them thoroughly, create a convenient place to stash coupons any time you come across them. One popular option for organizing coupons is a small accordion file designed for just this purpose. This type of system comes with dividers in place, and typically includes several small stickers for labeling them. If you're looking for a more frugal option, a series of envelopes can work as well. Other organization systems that work for coupons include small boxes designed for index cards, a wallet dedicated exclusively to coupons or an empty shoebox.


    • Once you have your coupons corralled into one place, begin the task of organizing them. The easiest way to organize coupons is by category. Broad categories may include food, pet and toiletries. Since food coupons are probably taking up the majority of your coupon box, you may also want to divide this into more specialized segments. Sections such as dairy, cereals, canned goods and desserts, will keep your coupons neat and organized. Keep coupons for restaurants separate as well. If you eat out a lot, sorting these by pizza, fast food and full service restaurants may also help. If you only clip coupons for one or two things, you can sort them by date as well, keeping the coupons that expire the soonest in front.

    Establish a Routine

    • For dedicated coupon clippers, a weekly routine is a must. Set aside a chunk of time once a week to update your coupon collection. An ideal time for this is Sunday afternoon when you're clipping that week's coupons from the paper. First, collect the new coupons to be added to your collection. If you've come across coupons throughout the week that you didn't have time to sort, these may be sitting in a special envelope waiting for just this time. Sort your coupons into piles by category. Before adding your new finds to the collection, take a few moments at least every other week to weed out the expired coupons from your existing stash. Once you've cleared out the old, incorporate your new finds into your filing system, leaving everything neat and ready for your next shopping trip.

Thanks again for another great tip!

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